Star Hearing Consultants

Noise and Music Induced
Hearing loss

The ear ages faster with more noise or music exposure

If in doubt, get your hearing checked! 

What is noise?

In simple terms noise is unwanted sound. Unfortunately, in the modern age of automation exposure to noise is on the increase. Noise and music exposure is one of the leading causes of hearing loss. Everyone is at a higher risk of early hearing loss, more so than in previous generations or quieter societies.

What is Noise and Music Induced Hearing loss?

You may be surprised to know that exposure to noise/music causes hearing loss and/or tinnitus (abnormal ringing, buzzing or roaring sensation in the ear). Yes, prolonged exposure causes permanent irreversible hearing loss. The hearing loss acquired is gradual so one is not aware of it until it is too late.

Is loud noise/music a
health hazard?

The chief detrimental effect of noise is, of course, loss of hearing. The actual organ of hearing is a very complex structure of hair cells which contains the auditory nerve endings. Loud noise/music overstrains these hair cells and in time they suffer irreparable damage. Unlike most other human cells, the hearing cells are not regenerated. Hearing loss caused by noise/music is permanent and incurable.

What are the other negative effects of noise?

Noise has other effects on the human system even after short periods of exposure. The noise does not have to be very loud either. All parts of the body are put on instant alert. The heartbeat accelerates, blood pressure rises, and the digestive function slows down. Noise also produces emotional effects: tiredness and the inability to concentrate. Stress symptoms appear and we become tense and bad tempered.

What factors determine the harmful effects of noise?

How harmful the noise depends on how loud it is and how long one is exposed to it. Even a single loud blast produced by explosives and guns can cause damage to one’s hearing. However, the noise which may be harmful to one may not be harmful to another since we are all different and our ears have different sensitivity.

How do we combat noise?

Since hearing damage from noise cannot be cured. It is essential that we right noise with every means at our disposal. At the source level, procuring or choosing less noisy machines. Noisy machinery can be provided with sound insulating enclosures. It could be set away from you to prevent noise from spreading. Sound absorbing material could be used in noisy areas to avoid an increase in sound level due to reflection.
But most of these methods of noise control are costly, time-consuming, and not always practicable. So, the best option is to protect yourself by using ear protection devices. It is advisable not to expose yourself to loud noises but when it is unavoidable use one of the ear protecting devices always even if it is for a short duration.

What is ear protecting devices (EPDs)?

These EPDs simply reduce the level of noise entering the ear and help in protecting our ears. We can shut our eyes to bright light but if we want to shut our ears to noise, we must use artificial means.

Types of hearing protectors

There are four main types of hearing protectors:
If you want more information or to decide about the correct type of ear protection device the audiologist will be able to help you.

Can we not protect our ears from noise with hands, towel or piece of cotton?

No, unfortunately they do not provide enough protection.

What else should be done apart from protecting your hearing?

If you are a person exposed or being exposed to noise at home at work or while on the move, make sure that you guard yourself, keeping a careful watch on the noise level, going for regular hearing check-ups and making sure that you use the correct ear protection.
Regular audiometric examination of hearing in a controlled environment by trained personnel is vital. By comparing recent results with the earlier tests, any change in hearing ability can be detected and action taken before any serious loss occurs.
If you feel abnormal ringing sensation in your ears (tinnitus), any change in your hearing ability, or are in doubt about noise exposure. Please do not hesitate to contact us.