Star Hearing Consultants

How do your ears work?

How does your ear work?

The ear is made up of three parts, each of which have special functions that allow us to hear. Understanding the parts of the ear and the role of each in processing sounds can help you better understand hearing loss.

The outer ear comprises of the external pinna, concha bowl, lobe and other structures forming the ear canal. These structures work to capture sound and funnel it towards the eardrum.

The ear canal is protected by ear wax which forms a sticky barrier to prevent bacterial infection. Ear wax is naturally pushed from the eardrum out of the ear canal acting effectively as a self-cleaning mechanism. It is not recommended to interfere with this process as this can often damage the eardrum, ear canal or introduce infection. Ear wax can build up and occlude the ear canal blocking this sound transmission, and this can be professionally cleared by an Audiologist, trained nurse or ENT Specialist

The bony portion of the ear canal can also grow in reaction to cold water (called exostosis or swimmers ear) which can be surgically corrected or professionally cleaned to replace the natural migration of ear wax out of the ear canal.